Do you help with medical expenses?
We provide assistance with non-medical costs such as: groceries, rent, utilities, food, childcare, transportation, hotel etc.
How often can I receive assistance?
Because of the high volume of requests, patient grants may be limited over a twelve-month period. This may vary by site.
What if I am in remission?
At this time we are only able to provide assistance to those undergoing active cancer treatment.
Do I have to live in a specific area?
We provide assistance to cancer patients currently being treated at hospitals in Zion, Il; Tulsa, OK; Philadelphia, PA; Goodyear, AZ; and Newnan, GA.
Do you have income eligibility requirements?
Applicants must show financial need. We know that circumstances vary significantly between patients however, and we look at each case individually rather than setting limits on income.
How much financial assistance can I get?
Applicants may choose the amount they request. The amount distributed fluctuates depending on the number of applicants each month and the level of need of those applicants.